I am a triathlete. I finished my first race, solo, and 6th of 11th in my age catagory. Not bad considering that I learned how to swim in May!
I've read that when it comes to triathlons, you either love 'em or hate 'em. Well, I've caught the bug, and will run, bike, and swim with it!!!
p.s. I'll be running in my first 1/2 marathon on
Oh well, next year they'll know what to look for!
Of coarse, next year the kids want to participate so it will be David and Wesley keepin' their eyes peeled!
Hannah stayed at their house for a couple of days and had a blast!! She loves been the center of attention, and she was!!! Thanks for letting her stay!!!!
The kids stared school: 6th, 5th, 3rd, 1st, and P-K! Sarah is super excited to play violin AND flute this year, and Xander is starting his viola career, thanks to his cousin Dylan who made it cool!
To get a viola his size, his teacher strung viola strings on a full size violin, that's blue!! So he's the ONLY kid in Arizona with a colored viola 'cause they don't make 'em! Xander is all about makin' a statement.
Elsie is not eligible for specialized music in school, but she has joined the Gila Valley horse club and will be VERY GOOD! She has a knack for horses, and hopefully will be participating in her first Gymkhana on Sept. 12th! *squeal and clap*
I'll try to take some pictures (eye roll). Hannah is learning how to read, and is excited for her first triathlon next year!. She's gonna ROCK!!! Little athlete, she is. And Wesley can run the length of our driveway, which happens to be 1/4 mile long!!! Impressive. He is only 3 after all. Tri in training!!